David J Lynn is a Canadian born Church Planting, Pastoral, and Evangelistic figure who has been used to ignite the fire of Evangelism and Church planting amongst believers around the world.
David came from a non-denominational Evangelical background and has been in Evangelistic and Pastoral Ministry for 26 years. He studied theology and pastoral care at both the University of Toronto and Tyndale University and Seminary and has obtained a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies. He also served as a Chaplain within a few of Toronto’s major Hospital’s for 10 years.
David is the founder of Christian Positive Space, the Dundas Square Church, Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries Global, a singer and musician, and the author of several books like: Avoiding and Escaping Relational Ruin, Christ’s Forgiveness Bible Studies Series, The Street Preacher Series, and much more .